Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lent, Day 42: Come near. (A prayer.)

Today's reading: Mark 12:28-13:37

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. (v. 31)

Your kingdom is near, O God,
so near we can
feel its breath
(just as generations
before have felt it).
Scattered to the winds,
we await your call,
anxious to be gathered close
and escorted deeper into
the eternity
you have already begun.
We, whose every love and
every richness
comes from you,
are watching:
we are here.

We anticipate your coming
not with fear, but in faith,
knowing that you who conquer death
are not interested in
pointless destruction
but in
loving redemption.

With gratitude we remember
(every day of this difficult walk
we know Friday must come
must always come, so
we keep reminding ourselves)
what you have done
and what you always do:
You love.
You live.
You call.
You breathe.
You speak.
You never end.

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