Friday, April 2, 2010

Lent, Day 44: What is good.

Today's reading: Mark 15:1-41

it's good to know who you are
especially when you carry
the rights and responsibilities
of a King

it's good to know the truth
about motives
and motivations:
not all accusers are victims
not all mobs are righteous

it's good to know that help is near
when the cross is simply
too much to bear

it's good to know what your faith is in
("just to be clear:
no miraculous feeding, healing, life-restoring
could convince us--but
let him save himself,
yes, then we would believe")

it's good to know you're not alone
even when
you are alone

it's good to know it's not too late
to profess belief
to cry out in confession
to acknowledge a terrible wrong
to recognize
the Son of God

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